Does A Plasterer Need A Builder’s Licence? | upcover
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Does A Plasterer Need A Builder’s Licence?
Plastering business owners face the burden of obtaining and maintaining the necessary licences to perform their job duties. One of these licences is a builder’s licence.
In an attempt to regulate the contracting industry, territories require independent contractors and builders to hold a builder’s licence that ensures they are qualified to be working on the job. Understanding the basics, why you should consider one, and how to obtain a builder’s licence are critical components to staying in compliance with Australian territories.
What Is A Builder’s Licence?
A builder’s licence is a credential that independent contractors and builders are required to have to work on certain jobs. When job costs are above a certain amount, you can’t work on the project without credentials backing up your skills and abilities.
There are education and technical skill requirements to obtain a licence, with mandatory continuing education. This requires contractors and builders to consistently stay on top of rules and regulations surrounding building.
Why Would A Plasterer Need One?
There are many different reasons that a plasterer would get a builder’s licence. The top reason is to have the opportunity to work on large projects. Getting a large project ensures your business a steady cash flow and revenue stream, which is critical when plastering is your full-time job.
In addition, other candidates may be selected for jobs if you don’t have a builder’s licence. To remain competitive, you should have all the credentials that clients are looking for.
Moreover, retaining a builder’s licence even if you are under the cost threshold helps you stay in compliance with Australian territories. The rules and regulations often differ between areas, making it critical to find ways to stay in compliance and enjoy added business growth.
How To Get A Builder’s Licence?
To get a builder’s licence, you will need to complete educational courses and prove your work experience. Most plastering business owners will easily meet the 2–3 years of work experience, as they will often have years under their belt. However, you may need to study up on industry standards in order to pass the exam.
There are a plethora of study courses available for you to purchase and study off. For some plasterers, education is not easy to tackle, which is why you can enrol in physical courses with an instructor.
Once you pass the exam and have the necessary licences, you will need to take continuing education courses and renew your licence regularly.
A builder’s licence can be a great way to set yourself apart from competitors and receive winning bids on large jobs; however, that is not the only consideration plastering business owners face. In fact, your insurance coverage is equally as important to consistently review and maintain.
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